Your best childhood fairytale about alladin multiplied by a thousand is the only way to describe the splendours of the alahambra. Originally a Moorish fortress around 900 and later converted to multiple palaces by the Nasrid until 1492; The geometrical architecture and decor create a feeling of wealth, beauty and passion without a hint of decadence. Photo´s will of course accompany on facebook, but I am sure that it will be a poor imitation. When we are in our sixites and sitting on the porch whittling and sweing, we will remember the day we visited the alhahambra as one of the very best.
The first word that comes to mind with Granada, is romantic. The arabic settlements contain cobbled and patterned, narrow and windy streets with houses decorated with arabic tiles and caramics. The bars, cafes, and restaurants are plentiful; Serving a tapa with each drink until late in the morning . As a couple you can survive of one main and grazing. We left Granda today wanting more and vowing to visit one day.
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