Our last days in La Paz succumbed to the temptations of cheap touristy travel in one of the world´s cheapest destinations...... Artesenal shopping galore, continental delicacies, and a hotel room with cable TV and an en-suite. Street vendors offer their wares at any time and any place, rarely defined by the boundaries of a market.... Prices are so cheap, you barely raise a sweat in only knocking them down a dollar of the miniscule price. Genuine FC Barelonca for $15 with a fake made to custom fit for $5. A finally, a hair cut to match my father´s for world cheapest due..... $2.50 numero dos para todo de mi cabeza

After the Chilean economic miracle, Santiago can truly combine the bueatyh of rich colonial past with a modern city of subways, sky scrapers, and a standard of living unsurpassed in South America. Unfortunately, that´s all I can say, as after a particularly hard night on the turps and a bought food poisoning, little experience or knowledge was garnered.... luckily, we´ll be back in a month.
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