Sunday, 16 September 2007

zài jiàn Hong Kong. Wij zijn Amsterdam

Seated with Paul and June, a retired ex aussie terrorism officer and teacher over dinner last night with a few interesting travel stories that would put the old man to shame ;) Both just came back from multiple safari's through Africa, staying tin the odd guest house and hostel.

Rolled in at Amsterdam after 12 hours at 6:30. Watched Blades of Glory twice and they were several poses that may even put Petey and I to shame.

Anyway, we both left HK with the firm intention of revisiting. Highly, recommended and the people are fantastic, friendly, forgiving, open and honest.

Yesterday was 30 with 75% humidity, today bordering on sleet in grey old Amsterdam. Will hit the showers then off to the rijksmuseum and perhaps a canal ride.


Hamish and Beth

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