Friday, 25 May 2007

Ever growing scepticism of airline advertising

As I test my "problem solvered" old white box wireless connection issue and cooking my chicken patties, I ponder if the One World alliance, who I organising my RTW with, aren't just a big bunch of shits.

Repeatedly, destinations their website purports to be available, aren't. Some dodgy excuse about codeshare this and code share that. Rubbish!!! Is it that hard to have one page that list all the possible destinations for a RTW trip and actually be accurate?

Anyway, more decisions need to be made. Do we forgo Hong Kong and head to Osaka? Do we do both? Can we make it to patagonia, can we fly around Morocco.

hmmm I wonder how those patties are going. I also have a sneaking suspicion the spell check for this site does not work?

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